How many bloody lawyers and economists are passing through our universities? How few scientists and engineers? Who tend to contribute more to our society? Who requires an entire industry to support their bullshit.
Who lies the most? Who wears crappy suits and slicked-hair? slimy bastards.
Who make up most of our politicians? To what extent is our future dependant on technology and looking at things logically, honestly and objectively? What do lawyers and economists find hard to do?
Who is constrained by the laws of the universe and reality, and who is constrained by man-made bullshit?
I am an engineer and fucking proud of it. Society needs to be re-engineered. Get rid of the lawyers and economists. Employ people of integrity instead who actually want things to WORK.
Who lies the most? Who wears crappy suits and slicked-hair? slimy bastards.
Who make up most of our politicians? To what extent is our future dependant on technology and looking at things logically, honestly and objectively? What do lawyers and economists find hard to do?
Who is constrained by the laws of the universe and reality, and who is constrained by man-made bullshit?
I am an engineer and fucking proud of it. Society needs to be re-engineered. Get rid of the lawyers and economists. Employ people of integrity instead who actually want things to WORK.
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