Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Appendix 1: University Structure Diagram
Note: Green lines identify areas where improvements can be made by government. Green arrows represent ‘micro-management’ of university activities through the grant system, while the green crosses represents a lack of activity where needed. The rest of the diagram represents how the system could operate, with dual management and leadership cohorts providing feedback to the university board, and the government acting on outcome measures.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, August 24, 2003
How many bloody lawyers and economists are passing through our universities? How few scientists and engineers? Who tend to contribute more to our society? Who requires an entire industry to support their bullshit.
Who lies the most? Who wears crappy suits and slicked-hair? slimy bastards.
Who make up most of our politicians? To what extent is our future dependant on technology and looking at things logically, honestly and objectively? What do lawyers and economists find hard to do?
Who is constrained by the laws of the universe and reality, and who is constrained by man-made bullshit?
I am an engineer and fucking proud of it. Society needs to be re-engineered. Get rid of the lawyers and economists. Employ people of integrity instead who actually want things to WORK.
Who lies the most? Who wears crappy suits and slicked-hair? slimy bastards.
Who make up most of our politicians? To what extent is our future dependant on technology and looking at things logically, honestly and objectively? What do lawyers and economists find hard to do?
Who is constrained by the laws of the universe and reality, and who is constrained by man-made bullshit?
I am an engineer and fucking proud of it. Society needs to be re-engineered. Get rid of the lawyers and economists. Employ people of integrity instead who actually want things to WORK.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Happiness is a deceptively simple yet powerful concept. Australia is a wonderful country, but some would say it lacks a certain spirituality, as does much of the western world. However, our easy-going nature may signify something greater, since it stems from us being a largely happy society.
Fundamentally, the human race can only survive if we reach equilibrium – a state whereby all people are able to find happiness. High social equity allows the efficient running of a social system, just think of the Sydney Olympics or the East Timor peacekeeping mission. Both were complex and difficult microcosms that found extraordinary success. Social equity is also the only way to reach environmental sustainability.
A number of factors have to be present for a person to be happy. Fulfilling relationships, meaningful employment, a personal sense of worth, a feeling of individual empowerment and knowledge of self. My belief also includes a relationship with God (in whatever form).
The poorest are often not very happy - for obvious reasons. Neither are the rich and powerful, though they may believe they are. The suppressed guilt they feel for their affluence tends to cast a pall over their life that reduces their real happiness. People are naturally empathetic creatures, but ignoring this emotion causes problems, such as less meaningful relationships. Thus, even the rich, along with the poor, are victims of our dog-eat-dog system.
The investor Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the world, presents an interesting case. He has accumulated fantastic wealth - but he does not permit it to be spent on himself or his family – he even drives an ordinary 80s car. Known for incredible foresight in the stock market, this wisdom also extends to the realization that riches only lead to emptiness. On his death, the multi-billions are earmarked for a purpose-built charity.
I would define nirvana as happiness for all. In terms of system stability, this is feasible since helping others to be happy makes us happy as well. This is our saving grace, and (I believe) God's smartest move. It is time that this fact was made public. Wasting more time in a vast global cycle of misery is pointless. The rich live in fear inside walled compounds, while the poor become ever more desperate to escape their hopelessness. Australia is uniquely positioned to turn the tide and establish a society of unprecedented equity and happiness. We could epitomize the model for the entire world.
However, if you as an individual feel you have no real power, do not be discouraged. You do. Just follow these three steps.
a) Know yourself (what REALLY makes you happy)
b) Do what is right (what will allow others to be happy, in the short or long term)
c) Forever attempt to acquire the wisdom to know what is right
I believe that if you try to achieve the above, whether a gardener or brain surgeon, God can use you to help change the world. Self-knowledge will allow you to find your true path, and listening to your conscience will allow God to direct your actions while on that path. Whether you know how you have helped is irrelevant, your reward will be happiness, and whether you believe in God or not, you will still be doing His work.
He will incorporate you into the vast tapestry He is weaving. We did not evolve by chance - God designed us. He is trying to allow our race to reach it’s full potential – but human society is the most complex system in the universe. All He can do is wait for us, as individuals, to choose our path. He cannot force us, for to take away our individual autonomy would miss the entire point of the exercise. The beauty of our species is inseparable from our self-determination; it is as He has made us.
Make the choice. You will never regret it.
Happiness is a deceptively simple yet powerful concept. Australia is a wonderful country, but some would say it lacks a certain spirituality, as does much of the western world. However, our easy-going nature may signify something greater, since it stems from us being a largely happy society.
Fundamentally, the human race can only survive if we reach equilibrium – a state whereby all people are able to find happiness. High social equity allows the efficient running of a social system, just think of the Sydney Olympics or the East Timor peacekeeping mission. Both were complex and difficult microcosms that found extraordinary success. Social equity is also the only way to reach environmental sustainability.
A number of factors have to be present for a person to be happy. Fulfilling relationships, meaningful employment, a personal sense of worth, a feeling of individual empowerment and knowledge of self. My belief also includes a relationship with God (in whatever form).
The poorest are often not very happy - for obvious reasons. Neither are the rich and powerful, though they may believe they are. The suppressed guilt they feel for their affluence tends to cast a pall over their life that reduces their real happiness. People are naturally empathetic creatures, but ignoring this emotion causes problems, such as less meaningful relationships. Thus, even the rich, along with the poor, are victims of our dog-eat-dog system.
The investor Warren Buffet, 2nd richest man in the world, presents an interesting case. He has accumulated fantastic wealth - but he does not permit it to be spent on himself or his family – he even drives an ordinary 80s car. Known for incredible foresight in the stock market, this wisdom also extends to the realization that riches only lead to emptiness. On his death, the multi-billions are earmarked for a purpose-built charity.
I would define nirvana as happiness for all. In terms of system stability, this is feasible since helping others to be happy makes us happy as well. This is our saving grace, and (I believe) God's smartest move. It is time that this fact was made public. Wasting more time in a vast global cycle of misery is pointless. The rich live in fear inside walled compounds, while the poor become ever more desperate to escape their hopelessness. Australia is uniquely positioned to turn the tide and establish a society of unprecedented equity and happiness. We could epitomize the model for the entire world.
However, if you as an individual feel you have no real power, do not be discouraged. You do. Just follow these three steps.
a) Know yourself (what REALLY makes you happy)
b) Do what is right (what will allow others to be happy, in the short or long term)
c) Forever attempt to acquire the wisdom to know what is right
I believe that if you try to achieve the above, whether a gardener or brain surgeon, God can use you to help change the world. Self-knowledge will allow you to find your true path, and listening to your conscience will allow God to direct your actions while on that path. Whether you know how you have helped is irrelevant, your reward will be happiness, and whether you believe in God or not, you will still be doing His work.
He will incorporate you into the vast tapestry He is weaving. We did not evolve by chance - God designed us. He is trying to allow our race to reach it’s full potential – but human society is the most complex system in the universe. All He can do is wait for us, as individuals, to choose our path. He cannot force us, for to take away our individual autonomy would miss the entire point of the exercise. The beauty of our species is inseparable from our self-determination; it is as He has made us.
Make the choice. You will never regret it.